Thursday, May 1, 2008

Files, Files Everywhere, but Not the One I Need

Looking for Clayton's "important papers" tonight before kindergarten registration in the morning, I discovered that I have about 3 or 4 places I keep important things. I have a place I keep memories for each of the kids. I have a filing cabinet for sentimental things, warranties, insurance papers, and everything else I think that I might need some day. I also have a frequently referenced file out by the computer, that needs to be gone through desperately. They are all labeled and alphabetical, but scattered.

I like being organized. I've had a planner every year since I was in junior high! So I looked online to find some helps and these are a few ideas I found:

The Fly Lady: I've used her stuff for helping people keep their house clean for years - but it's updated and includes all kinds of information.

Just Organize Yourself: This on was new to me, but I loved their "How to Create an Action Center." Very Helpful

The Home Box: This is everything you need in one box. This may work really well for single folks just starting out, but it seems that my little family needs a HUGE filing cabinet.

State Farm "Property Matters": This is free software to help you keep track of your stuff. It creates an inventory record of what you own with a description of the articles and their value.

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