Today during the service projects at the Golden Key Honor Society International Summit, I met Rose, a beautiful 60 year old woman from South Boston. She's got a job, a 22 year old grandson and was homeless.
She came to the first ever GK Spark A Change event that was a part of the conference to tell her story. She was a teen mom, married an abuser, did drugs and then way leads to way and she found herself homeless. She talked to us as we cut fleece and tied it into scarves and hats for the homeless of Boston.
During this event there were many projects going on like jewelry making, the sales go to support mobile mammography, as well as the assembly of snack and toiletry bags for the homeless of Boston in addition to several others. Nearly 300 participants worked for 3 hours and will impact over 1200 lives.
Sitting among the members of Golden Key, the academic top 15% from universities around the world, you assume that homelessness wouldn't be an issue. Certainly all of these students come from loving, supportive homes. Right? It seems the stero type isn't always true. Rose said that there are many faces, many factors and YET means, You're Eligible Too.
It could happen to anyone. You're eligible for a new start just as you are eligible for homelessness.
But for the grace of God we are in a place today to help others. So many little choices, seemingly small decisions, that lead each of us to the places we find ourselves. As Rose told her story, I couldn't help thinking of so many times when I had choices to make that really could have turned out much differently. I believe that I'll look differently at those sleeping on benches and asking for change tomorrow.
But for the grace of God...
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