Knowing I'd agreed, promised and planned the thing, I went home after work, pasted on a smile, gathered my child and our things and headed for the church. We got things situated and waited for the first child to arrive. When the first girl showed up, there was the same feeling of trepidation that I felt. Then the third child arrived and the squealing and tumbling and laughing started. It didn't stop the entire time we were there.
It was an Queen Esther themed evening with games, crafts, beauty treatments, a fashion show and more. In regular "momma-ratzi" fashion, I took lots of pictures. The little ladies hammed it up for the camera all evening. Even though my partners in crime and I were tired moms, each with 4 kids of our own at home, I think that we knew what this evening could mean to these girls. We wanted them to know they are special, they are chosen, and they are called.
In the story of Queen Esther, she was chosen to undergo a year of beauty treatments and training, presented to the king and then chosen to be his queen. While she was queen an evil man plotted to kill the Jews. Because of her position and favor with the king, Esther was able to foil the plot and save her people.
At the end of the night I took a little video and asked them about their favorite activity of the evening. Many of the girls said it was the, "best night ever!"
We made some great memories for the young ladies in attendance, but more importantly they know that they are loved by a great king. Who knows but that you have been called to (insert the thing you may not want to do) host a 3rd grade girls night for such a time as this.
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