Monday, May 19, 2008

What you mean to me

This weekend I got a Facebook request from a friend from high school. We used to walk home from elementary school together. I really never thought that I'd hear from her again. We'd lost touch so long ago.

We went to dinner at the home of some relatively new friends last night. it was incredible. We ate outside under a canopy, on real dishes, with real cloths napkins. We each brought a dish and a bottle of wine to share, but the company was the fabulous part about the evening.

In our book club last night we talked about this community of friends that came in after the authors father died and before they returned from the hospital to clean the house, stock the pantry, and make life as normal as it could be for this family. And to this day, they still don't know who blessed them so.

Searching for other things in my email files, I ran across as email to a dear friend. It along with a myriad of other things reminded me how blessed we are in these time of $4 gas and $4 milk to have friends that are worth so much more. What a blessing from God our friends are!

We were taking a marriage enrichment seminar and the next day I sent this to our friend:

I wanted to tell you too that last night I was thinking of all of the things that I wanted to say about you during the "longest 60 seconds" exercise, but I couldn't say any of them because I just so choked up just thinking about what you mean to me. I couldn't speak.

I was glad that Jimmy and Billy said what they did about you helping with the kids, but that doesn't even begin to cover it. I value your friendship and care about you and you sweet family so deeply. You are like a sister to me. You allow me to be me - silly or mad or indignant - whatever I am feeling. I know that my heart is safe with you. And in return, you have been so honest and open with me through some of the most difficult times of my life - young wife, new mom, financial struggles, job changes... And you have saved me time and time again with the watching the kids, letting us use the crib and bassinet, and always being ready for whatever I have dreamed up next. You are my most valued partner in crime. I cherish the memories that we have made together - painting and crafting, the Six Flags trip, and who could forget the banquets. I know that they will be some of my most favorite memories of my life.

Thank you for being you, so genuine and so faithful -

Let your friends know how much you care. They are worth so much more than we know.

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